It's hard to believe it's been eight years since those anxious days as I awaited the results of my amniocentesis. There were two indications of a possible chromosome abnormality - hydrocephalus and holes in the heart. Initially I turned down an amnio, but ultimately went ahead with it so we would know if anything was going on.
October 22 was the day my doctor called and said "I'm sorry, your baby does have down syndrome". Even then I was a little annoyed at his choice of words. I remember when Zoey was a baby I wanted to go back and say "look - she's perfect, please don't tell any more moms you're sorry". I never did, but I believe that simple sentence is a big part of what drove me to share our life with Zoey and what drives me to advocate that Down syndrome is nothing to ever be sorry for!
Fun news - I recently started a vlog channel on youtube!!! (if you're reading this thinking - "what's a vlog?" ... it's a video blog!!! it's funny because going through old videos I was reminded that I actually had this idea way back in 2008 but it just never happened!!) I couldn't come up with a clever name, then I thought about how Zoey always calls our instagram page "the Zoey show" (it's so cute, her and daddy sit together and look at the pics and videos - she loves it) and I thought, this idea could work! My channel is my perspective and my story of our kids and family, so why not The Mama Show. Technically not a "show", but hey it's fun!
I'm just getting started, but wanted to do something for Down syndrome awareness month and to sort of introduce Zoey and our story with her as she's sure to be seen a lot on the vlog. The two oldest kids are very particular about being filmed and shared, so I have a feeling there will be a lot of Liam, Zoey, & Ruby!!!
My hope is to post regularly (once things settle down after getting Ruby home) and I hope you'll join us, you can subscribe to our channel so you never miss a new video!! And of course thumbs up, comments, and shares are very appreciated as we get going!!!
thanks so much friends, happy Down syndrome awareness month!!!
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