How is this possible? It isn't.
Let me just lay it out on the table, why beat around the bush? Diseases can be eradicated, Down syndrome is not a disease. It is not that Down syndrome is being eradicated, it is that human beings who have three copies of the 21st chromosome (trisomy 21/Down syndrome) are. In Iceland the rate of abortion following a diagnosis of Down syndrome is nearly 100%. Many country's rates are just a little lower, even in the U.S. it is approximately 67%. Staggering and shocking statistics, but nothing I didn't already know. The reasons vary, but in large part parents are given a very bleak outlook on what life will be for a child with Down syndrome. Worst case scenarios are often provided as fact.
Meanwhile, my heart and soul have been poured into piles of paperwork. Checks have been written, fundraisers held. Countless prayers have been lifted. I check my email repeatedly each day to see if I've finally received an update on the child who will join our family - and to see if there's news of progress in this long, heart wrenching process. For over nine months now we have clung to hope and held onto faith as we walk through the journey of adoption. At the center of all of this is a little girl with beautiful brown eyes, the most perfect rosebud lips, and an extra 21st chromosome.
She is wanted, chosen, treasured, adored ... she is worthy. Worthy of everything it takes to bring her home. Worthy of having a family she can call her own. Worthy of LIFE!
When we talked about adopting some day, we had no idea what it would look like for our family. Foster to adopt or private adoption? Domestic or international adoption? Boy or girl? But we were sure of one thing, we wanted a child with Down syndrome. We have seven years of experience parenting a child with Down syndrome (our biological daughter). We know what a beautiful journey it is to know and love someone "rockin that extra chromosome"!
... and now you know too.
LIFE is BETTER with Down syndrome.
There's a movement happening to share that life with Down syndrome is beautiful and amazing and so totally worth it - "30 days of sowing joy"!!! It started when Annie Reid posted this video - a call to action for parents of children with Down syndrome to share photos with the hashtag, #lifeisbetterwithyou! By the following day it was taking off and I had an idea, let's make a video!
Annie said it and I will reiterate, this is not just about those of us who are parenting a child with Down syndrome. There's an entire army of us shouting the worth of our children on a daily basis, but in large part our shouts don't reach beyond our own circles. Please, consider sharing our video. Search that hashtag and see the brightness shining into this dark world. Share with your friends, family, and on your social media platforms! We need you to help us shout this to the all corners of the earth! Down syndrome is not something to rid the world of, it is a gift to be treasured!
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