No new photo to share, just this same one - my most favorite - from the update we received in March.
Yesterday I emailed the agency to see if there was any word on the update I asked for (in early June) ... we were so spoiled last time, because we got an update in about a week. I guess it's not usually so fast, as the agency's contact person is too far and so she actually has to contact the orphanage to have someone go out to the foster home to get updates.
The email I got back was not what I was expecting. I was told that part of the delay in getting an update is that pink eye is "wide spread" in our girl's town ... and that she got it and is in the hospital being treated for it.
It's hard to put into words how this feels. I just want to be there and see her for myself and know that she's ok. The 6,543 miles that separate us feel even further right now.
Please join us in praying for Ruby's health. That she will heal quickly and be back to her healthy self.